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Seasons' Greetings Y'all


This last trip around the sun was definitely a doozey with all sorts of twists and turns. From the Cubs winning the World Series to the mind-boggling outcome of the U.S. elections, 2016 had us spinning in circles and ready to throw up at times. Despite it being a rough and tumble ride, we hope this note finds your families safe from cyberbullies [@realDonaldTrump], secure from Russian hackers (is this for real?), and free of the Zika virus {bzzzzzz}.

The year started off on an upbeat note with Tapan and I running our first half marathon together.

Um, yeah… that’s probably not happening again.

As a family, we became politically active and attended our first rally during the presidential primaries to show support for our favorite candidate.

And #we’restillwithher!

An unexpected turn of events made us first time dog owners. Katie is the most loyal, beautiful, friendly, loving, and playful dog ever to be rescued from the city pound.

Oh, and by the way, she’s a PIT BULL!!

The highlight of our year was summer vacation where we took both sets of grandparents to visit Banff and Jasper National Parks. I can’t help but wonder what the kids will remember about their expedition through the Canadian Rockies in a whitewashed 16-passenger van with daddy in the driver’s seat and mama trembling with fear around every mountainside vista.

In other news, Norah turned twelve and rocked her way through sixth grade into seventh. Inspired by Twenty-One Pilots, she taught herself how to play the ukulele. She also plays the keyboard and raps for an all girls’ rock band. Having not one drop of musical talent in my blood, I’ll admit it’s been fun living vicariously through her. Despite her musical prowess, Norah is most proud of learning to play ice hockey.

Eva has had an eventful year as well. She turned eight and moseyed on into third grade. She swam in her first swim meet and jazzed it up in her first dance recital. Over the summer, she took up playing guitar and after watching Simone Biles bring home the Olympic gold, started gymnastics. We are so proud that this once painfully shy girl has made an unsolicited effort to dare greatly.

If 2016 was wild, I have a funny feeling 2017 will be even crazier. So get ready. Keep your seat belts fastened and hold on tight. And remember, we will always be

Until next time!

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